Creating Forms  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 5 Entering and editing data
Objective Enter and edit data in a form.

Entering Editing Data in Access

Question: How do I enter and edit data in an Access Form?
To enter and edit data in a Microsoft Access Form, you can follow these general steps:
  1. Open the Form: Open the Access database and navigate to the form you want to work with. Double-click on the form to open it in Form View.
  2. Select a Record: To add a new record, navigate to the last record in the form, which is typically an empty row at the bottom of the form. To edit an existing record, click on the record you want to modify to select it.
  3. Enter Data: Once you have selected a record, you can enter data into the form's fields. Simply click on a field to select it, and then type the desired data. Use the Tab key to move between fields.
  4. Save Changes: After entering or modifying data in a record, you must save the changes. Click on the Save Record button in the Access toolbar or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the changes.
  5. Navigate Records: To navigate through the records in the form, use the navigation buttons in the Access toolbar or use the arrow keys on your keyboard. You can also use the Find or Filter features to locate specific records.
  6. Edit Data: To edit an existing record, select the record you want to modify and make the desired changes to the data in the form's fields. Once you have made the changes, click on the Save Record button or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the changes.
  7. Delete Records: To delete a record from the form, select the record and then click on the Delete Record button in the Access toolbar or use the Delete key on your keyboard.

In summary, entering and editing data in an Access Form involves selecting a record, entering or modifying data in the form's fields, and saving changes as necessary. The form can be navigated using the toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts, and records can be deleted if needed.
Forms are often used to enter data because they provide a familiar look to people who have recently switched from paper-based data to electronic data. You can design a form to display all the information that needs to be entered in one place. When you enter or edit data in a form, you are changing or adding data to the underlying table.

Editing Data

To edit data, find the record you want to edit, place the cursor in the field you want to edit, and then use the keyboard to make changes (use Delete and Backspace to delete unnecessary characters).

Entering Data

Enter new data by clicking the New Record button to display an empty record. Then enter data. Press Tab or Enter to move from one field to another. If you are entering multiple records, press Tab or Enter to go to the next record when you are in the last field.
The settings that exist for each field in the table design view will also apply here. For instance, Access will not let you enter a number in a date field, and input masks and drop-down lists are also in effect in a form.
In the next lesson, create a form using the Form Wizard.

Entering Editing Data - Exercise

Use this exercise to create a form and enter data.
Entering Editing Data - Exercise